What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization, in digital/online marketing, is a system or process for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that converts into leads and customers, or more generally, takes the desired action.

When thinking about this process most people generally think about A/B testing or multivariate testing but there is actually more to it than just that…
As Eric Graham, the conversion doctor said, “Testing is GUARANTEED ROI… Only way to lose money is to NOT do it.” 

This is true.  We have made an entire business out of doing it but conversion rate optimization is more than just A/B or multi-variate testing the colors of buttons, headlines, and images.

The process of conversion rate optimization is more about understanding an audience, discovering what makes them tick and how to deliver your product or service to them better.

How they associate their pain or pleasure-seeking with your product enough to make them take the desired action such as become a lead and ultimately make a buying decision.

By being able to better understand their behavior, thoughts, and actions the higher your results will be.

We have a saying here at Conversion Fanatics and that is until you reach 100% conversion you aren’t done optimizing.  This means we are constantly looking for bigger and better ways to deliver our client’s solutions to their targeted audience.  Find what combinations of messages, images, videos, colors, styles, and processes will lead them to take more desired actions.

To better understand visitor behavior specifically on-site you can leverage tools such as heat/click map software as well as competitive analysis to discover the best ways to deliver the message as well as how the visitors interact on a specific landing page.  This process allows us to discover friction points that cause visitors to leave without completing the desired action.

An example of this was with a client that had basically two paths to enter into their sales process.  What we found after doing some analysis was that the path they were trying to push their visitors down wasn’t the path the visitors were paying the most attention to.  They were assuming what their visitors wanted instead of giving them exactly what they wanted.

After testing several variations that put more emphasis on the visitors’ desired path the bounce rate on the site decreased by more than 80% and the desired action goals increased by about 5%.  This is a company spending tens of thousands of dollars per month on traffic and generating thousands of leads per day.

By just making some slight changes we were able to dramatically reduce visitor friction points on-site and increase their results.

Once you discover where the friction points are and uncover bottlenecks in your process based on the analysis it is time to continue the conversion rate optimization process and that is the process of coming up with test hypotheses and begin testing.

Conversion rate optimization allows you to better connect with your audience, decrease advertising costs, increase conversion rates, and increase what is most important and that is revenue.

If you would like to discover how your company could benefit from conversion rate optimization or expand and improve your current efforts feel free to reach out to see how we may be able to help.

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Remember that the only way to lose money optimizing is to NOT do it!  Are you doing it?