Website Conversion Optimization – How Important Is The Call-To-Action?

We know from countless tests that basically telling visitors what to do as far as the next step you want them to take is important for providing a clear path to the end goal.  But the question remains…  just how important is the call to action language in website conversion optimization?

Today we look at a special case study that reveals some slight language changes to the call to action headline above the form on a landing page and how it impacted conversions.

Calls to action come in several forms from the headlines, button language, hyperlink wording and more.  We are simply looking for the smaller header above a form.  Basically stating the main benefit and the action needed for the next step.

Website Conversion Optimization – How Important Is The Call-To-Action?

Here we have a company with the main offer is to signup for a free 14 day trial of the product and to do so they must fill out a basic form which will be passed to the sales department to create an opportunity.

The original message (pictured above) is pretty basic. It states that this is the place to start and what they are going to get by filling out the form below and that is the 14-day free trial.

In website conversion optimization we know that audiences respond differently to different language and phrases especially in the call to action.

In an effort to increase the signup rate we created 2 additional variations for the call to action language.  Based on some additional information and data from the previous test we knew that this companies audience would respond to certain language…

Version B (pictured above) states the main benefit and that is a 100% free 14-day trial.  The main difference here is the line below that tells the visitor what to do…  “sign up now to get started”.

The second variation we ran against the control in our website conversion optimization experiment is pictured below.

The first line changed slightly to state that you can “try it free for 14 days” with the same signup language.

Do you have a guess as to which one won?

Well, the results are actually pretty surprising.


Version A (100% free) variation performed at 22.2% better than the control.  What is more surprising is that the “Try It Free” language reduced the conversions on the site by more than 43%.

In website conversion optimization we can’t assume anything is going to work better than others and without testing, you are simply flying blind.

Were you as surprised as we were that such a slight difference in just a few words could have such an impact on the results?

Be sure you are testing everything on your pages especially if you have short landing pages and are constantly striving for better with website conversion optimization.  The smallest change could yield the biggest results.

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